Thursday, September 24, 2009

W22D4.Thursday.September 24th

This is going to be a long day - I am VERY uncomfortable in my clothes at work - I now FIRMLY believe that the day you find out you're pregnant you should put a warning on your closet door like

"Outfits in your closet may appear larger than they actually are"

I also wish I had a closet full of mumus.

Day before yesterday I weighed 151.5. Yesterday I weighed 153. Yesterday - I also peed my pants - on purpose and I made a mess of myself and had to return home when I was halfway to work. Basically a few weeks back I bought some adult pull ups because of a long drive I was taking to attend a concert, returning late that night and not wanting to stop all along the way with two girls sleeping in the van. I actually never had to use them that night because one of the girls stayed up with me for most of the trip. Anyways, after my Wednesday morning commute last week I decided that I would really like to be able to use them each Wednesday morning. We basically leave the house at 620am and I arrive at work 2 - 2.5 hours later. WAY TOO LONG for my bladder at this point, and it should only get worse as I make my way through the 3rd trimester. SOOOOO yesterday I put on my pull ups - Junior thinks it's the coolest thing ever and tells both his sisters as he wakes them up. We hit the road and halfway back from dropping off Sabrina I have to go, so I do. Not the whole thing just a little more than to take the edge off. VERY STRANGE feeling. But after a couple minutes, everything feels normal again. Maybe 30 minutes later I hit the bursting point again so I let her flow. Again, just enough to take the edge off. This time I check the outside of my pants for wetness because I can actually feel the "diaper" clumping from the added fluid and I have no clue how much they hold - let alone how much I've released, but everything is dry. Hot stuff! I "go" one more time before dropping of Junior (my last stop before work) and I check myself when I get out of the van - dry! I get back in and drive halfway to work where there's a Burger King that I have used regularly throught the pregnancy and decide to run in and use the facilities, ditch the diaper and put on my clean undies - knowing I am fine to make it all the way to work now. NOT! I get out of the van and feel wetness A LOT of wetness. My whole backside is wet. I can only figure that when I got out to drop off Junior - the only time I moved from my seat since we left the house - I upset the diaper to the point it leaked or maybe sitting back down on it pushed some of the fluid out onto my pants. I have no idea! I just know I did NOT want to call work and tell them that I was gonna be late because I had an accident in my pants. I am supposed to be having a child not acting like one!

No clue how I am gonna work it out next Wednesday - first off I think I will try not to drink anything if at all possible in the morning and see if that helps and if I try the diaper again - I will bring a change of clothes and put down protection on my seat!

Baby Names....What a pain in the buttocks! I would love to have a name or two to call this child that is growing and moving inside me. At the same time - though I was quick to name Jaime and Junior - I feel that I might like to actually meet this child before naming it - but who am I kidding? I want a name and the baby RIGHT NOW! Spoiled on instant gratification!!! So to accurately preserve my thoughts - here's the BIG list - hopefully I can record the list slimming down to the final name choice or maybe something I have yet to think of will end up taking the prize. We will know in 4 months, that's for sure. And in 3 months we will all be waiting for St. Nick to stop by - woohoo!!!

What a great day today is :-) (Gotta love hormones) I just sat here at my desk and watched the baby moving in my belly for a good ten minutes and then I tried to tape it but the movements are small and the shirt is heather grey so I really couldn't see anything. I guess I'll just leave my camera around my neck until I get that video. Wooo Doggy the baby is going to town - I shoulod post this and sit back and enjoy the show. Good Lord - what it that's what's going on?!??!? Junior and the girls are always saying "We are putting on a show for you" maybe the baby heard and is trying to get in on the action - hilarious!

Delilah - me and junior are still pulling for this name

Family Names that I'd like to consider

Monday, September 21, 2009

W22D1.Monday.September 21st

I have always considered myself a confrontationalist, but age, hormones or possibly maturity (doubtful) is turning me into an avoider lately. While it's easy enough to avoid, say, posting to the pregnancy blog after an irritating doc appointment, it doesn't settle well with my character. I feel like I am letting myself down not filling a commitment I made and want to keep to myself. Alas I am filled to the brim with "feelings" these days! I think I said/asked it before....who said something of a pregnant woman GLOWING???? I feel lucky if there is actually no froth on the corners of my mouth each time I look in the mirror.

Now where did I leave last OB appointment....I gave the stats but published the post prior to documenting my questions and doc's responses
- Headache behind right eye all day Friday, Saturday, Sunday, went away Monday, back Tuesday after 20 minutes in the waiting room - take extra strength tylenol
- flu shot? swine (H1N1) flu shot? - get them and have the whole family get them
- any more ultrasounds in my future? - no :-( not if everything is going well, only need if complications arise and that is doubtful
- when do appoitnments become biweekly? week 28, 30, 32, 34, 36, then weekly

I'll say this then I'll drop it. Come October 6th at 1030am (15 minutes before my next visit) I will be calling ahead to see when they expect me to be seen - if it's another 45 minute wait - I'll just hang out at work.

Quite a few inquiries into my growing belly this past couple weeks. Most I just tell the due date, but some I have fun with and say no and that offends me as I am just gaining weight from the large cookie consumption I've enjoyed lately. I've had it backfire on me once, but it was hilarious nontheless.

Broke the 150 weight barrier last week and am holding steady. Also, last week I started consuming my pepto bismal daily.

I did hard labor in the yard Saturday and paid dearly for it. Back pain is not nice, but I recovered quickly with rest and a warm bath and went back for more Sunday.

Not sure why but had zero movement from the baby on Friday or Saturday. I did good and didn't freak.....too hard. Thankfully she gave me a couple ratta-tat-tats when I started researching other babies who quit moving at my gestation. Had she not, I was preparing to atleast find a stethoscope that day to ease my mind. She actually gave me a good enough movement Sunday evening that I felt it on the outside. Only once though or I would have had Junior and Joe take a feel to share the experience. All in good time.

I still can't believe this pregnancy is half over. People think children grow fast! I'd have to say that this fetus has them beat by a mile.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

W20D2.Tuesday.September 8th

I sleep with a minimum of two pillows these days. I need another one to scream into though. High hormone levels today. Lost it at work because I made a mistake. No one cared. That came out wrong - they cared about me - not the mistake. I really wasn't that upset over it either - just started bawling. Thankfully I was able to stop almost as fast as I started.

doc's office had me wait 45 minutes to be seen.....grumble, grumble

weight - 149.5 home 152 doctor's office
blood pressure - 116/62
doc said heart rate was 156 - hmmmm could it be a boy after all?

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

W19D3.Wednesday.September 2nd

Weight - 147

Hormones - Borderline destructive, but getting as much sleep as possible - about 7 hours per night - and hoping it's enough to stave them off

The round ligament pain has started to occur as frequent and possibly more than I get to feel my baby girl moving around. I am feeling her move everyday now, usually two or three times a day (8am, 1030am and bedtime), yesterday just once I think. She was really active during the drive to PA and the Taylor Swift concert this past Saturday. Wonder if there's any lasting effect to a fetus when her mommy screams, hoots, hollars and sings (poorly) at the top of her lungs? Poor thing's gonna get another dose come November with Miley Cyrus.

I did have a bunch of dreams this past week and one was that when the baby was born, it was surprisingly, a boy. My plan is to eat bbq ribs next Friday night so I think I'll feel much more confident in the gender after that, but truly only time will tell for sure.

I cannot believe I am halfway through my pregnancy!!! Is there such a thing as pre-post-partum depression? I am already sad when counting down the diminishing number of days I still have to be pregnant. I told a cowarker yesterday that I was sure I didn't want another one, because I was to old and too tired to go through pregnancy again. Then this morning, when Jaime seems shocked at hearing that this is the last time I will ever be pregnant, I actually question myself and give a different response of being concerned about providing for the four of them and their college education, and that I didn't feel secure enough to be able to offer that to a fifth child. But seriously...who am I kidding??? Myself. It's going to be the toughest decision to carry out - when I get fixed.