Woo Hoo! Check me out...not even a week has gone by and I am posting already! Yeah me!
So I weighed in this morning - - - 152.5 - - - it's almost as if I have hit a plateau and can't gain anymore. I don't recall checking over the weekend to see if there was any weight gain, but I got a lot of exercise yesterday, walking up and down hills and stairs. I definitely felt it and got winded a couple times. I didn't feel Zoe too much either - I love that name! Not sure if I can convince Joe to let me use it. After "deciding" on Nicole Heaven, last night at dinner he announces that he likes Tara. WHAT?!?!? The name was on my list, but I just think Zoe would be soooo cool. No clue on a middle name though. AAAggghhhh - who knows!
After yesterday's "hike" through DC - I realized something that has come to mind many times but I am not quite sure I documented it appropriately here. I don't always feel pregnant. In fact - a lot of the time - I don't feel pregnant. Percentage wise, this morning, I was thinking 50/50, but now that I give it more thought, it's less - maybe 30 am /70 am not? I definitely feel pregnant when she moves, when I bend over, when I want to sleep on my stomach, when I am at the doc's office, when I get an email from a pregnancy site and when I see baby clothes, and that's about it, which isn't much and most of those things REMIND me that I'm pregnant, with a few actually making me FEEL that I am pregnant. Even back with the naseau, or excessive tiredness, when those things weren't occuring, I felt normal and un-pregnant. The main reason I am documenting this is because when I think back on the other pregnancies, I think I was obsessed and continuously felt AND reminded myself I was pregnant. Perhaps the other pregnancies weren't quite as I recall, or maybe it's just old hat by now, regardless, I'll just enjoy the moments I have left and be thankful that this pregnancy is "non" event filled, which is truly a blessing on it's own.
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