Monday, June 15, 2009

W8D2.Monday.June 15th

for the record - i still consider myself in week nine - i did read today though that "an early ultrasound can provide a fairly accurate due date because there's little variation in fetal development in the first trimester, so it's easy to determine how far along your baby is" - and that will be happening 48 hours from now - wooohooo - i am so nosey about this little parasite

i pulled out junior's "what to expect journal" hardly anything in there expect doc appointment stuff so i plan to do a comparison chart on the website and include his stats compared to this last baby's - so far i have only noticed that i gained more weight with junior - so far along - and even though it's not comparable - i feel way bigger and sicker and tireder (not a word - i know - but when ur 38 and knocked up and u already have a 3 level house with a pool and 2 dogs that poop way too much and 2 cats and 2 ferrets and 4 children - i mean a husband and 3 children to keep up with - TIREDER is in your vocabulary) not complaining just making sure this pregnancy symptom is realized for it's huge impact

today's weight 135.5
poops - 2 so far - thank goodness i drank lots of water yesterday (saturday i found out the hard pebbly way that i need lots of water everyday)

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