Thursday, September 24, 2009

W22D4.Thursday.September 24th

This is going to be a long day - I am VERY uncomfortable in my clothes at work - I now FIRMLY believe that the day you find out you're pregnant you should put a warning on your closet door like

"Outfits in your closet may appear larger than they actually are"

I also wish I had a closet full of mumus.

Day before yesterday I weighed 151.5. Yesterday I weighed 153. Yesterday - I also peed my pants - on purpose and I made a mess of myself and had to return home when I was halfway to work. Basically a few weeks back I bought some adult pull ups because of a long drive I was taking to attend a concert, returning late that night and not wanting to stop all along the way with two girls sleeping in the van. I actually never had to use them that night because one of the girls stayed up with me for most of the trip. Anyways, after my Wednesday morning commute last week I decided that I would really like to be able to use them each Wednesday morning. We basically leave the house at 620am and I arrive at work 2 - 2.5 hours later. WAY TOO LONG for my bladder at this point, and it should only get worse as I make my way through the 3rd trimester. SOOOOO yesterday I put on my pull ups - Junior thinks it's the coolest thing ever and tells both his sisters as he wakes them up. We hit the road and halfway back from dropping off Sabrina I have to go, so I do. Not the whole thing just a little more than to take the edge off. VERY STRANGE feeling. But after a couple minutes, everything feels normal again. Maybe 30 minutes later I hit the bursting point again so I let her flow. Again, just enough to take the edge off. This time I check the outside of my pants for wetness because I can actually feel the "diaper" clumping from the added fluid and I have no clue how much they hold - let alone how much I've released, but everything is dry. Hot stuff! I "go" one more time before dropping of Junior (my last stop before work) and I check myself when I get out of the van - dry! I get back in and drive halfway to work where there's a Burger King that I have used regularly throught the pregnancy and decide to run in and use the facilities, ditch the diaper and put on my clean undies - knowing I am fine to make it all the way to work now. NOT! I get out of the van and feel wetness A LOT of wetness. My whole backside is wet. I can only figure that when I got out to drop off Junior - the only time I moved from my seat since we left the house - I upset the diaper to the point it leaked or maybe sitting back down on it pushed some of the fluid out onto my pants. I have no idea! I just know I did NOT want to call work and tell them that I was gonna be late because I had an accident in my pants. I am supposed to be having a child not acting like one!

No clue how I am gonna work it out next Wednesday - first off I think I will try not to drink anything if at all possible in the morning and see if that helps and if I try the diaper again - I will bring a change of clothes and put down protection on my seat!

Baby Names....What a pain in the buttocks! I would love to have a name or two to call this child that is growing and moving inside me. At the same time - though I was quick to name Jaime and Junior - I feel that I might like to actually meet this child before naming it - but who am I kidding? I want a name and the baby RIGHT NOW! Spoiled on instant gratification!!! So to accurately preserve my thoughts - here's the BIG list - hopefully I can record the list slimming down to the final name choice or maybe something I have yet to think of will end up taking the prize. We will know in 4 months, that's for sure. And in 3 months we will all be waiting for St. Nick to stop by - woohoo!!!

What a great day today is :-) (Gotta love hormones) I just sat here at my desk and watched the baby moving in my belly for a good ten minutes and then I tried to tape it but the movements are small and the shirt is heather grey so I really couldn't see anything. I guess I'll just leave my camera around my neck until I get that video. Wooo Doggy the baby is going to town - I shoulod post this and sit back and enjoy the show. Good Lord - what it that's what's going on?!??!? Junior and the girls are always saying "We are putting on a show for you" maybe the baby heard and is trying to get in on the action - hilarious!

Delilah - me and junior are still pulling for this name

Family Names that I'd like to consider

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