Monday, January 11, 2010

W38D2.Monday.January 11th

CONTRACTIONS - Over the past months and increasing in number over the past weeks and especially this past weekend, I have been having contractions, braxton hicks contractions, mild contractions, painful contractions, excrutiating contractions, contractions that start in my back and work around to the front, contractions that feel like they start down "there", contractions that feel like they end down "there" contractions that start on the side and leave me holding my breath until I almost pass out and realize I should probably try to breathe through these things. I've had contractions that are in response to tooth infections, "yin"fections, itching nursing parts, poking the baby, baby movements, bowel movements, full bladder (min 1/8 fluid ounce), trips to ohio, driving/sitting in the drivers seat for more than 10 minutes, gas (internal), pretty much everything EXCEPT LABOR.

I have a doc appointment at 2pm - because of the two previous high bp readings - i just wonder what will be suggested. My ankles and legs look almost prepregnancy this morning so I seriously doubt that my bp will be up at all - I am just up in the air about "waiting" - but didn't I mention it would come to this - Miss Instant Gratification just cannot take the unmet expectations night after night and day after day - I am just too excited and want to meet her and I KNOW I'll never be pregnant again and feel a baby dancing the jig inside me - maybe I've just finally had my fill and though I'll miss it, I think I am mentally and physically ready for the next step.

Nevermind. I won't be setting up any inductions today. I will practice patience and not allow myself to get depressed by unmet expectations and let this happen with the most perfect timing of all. God's. Thanks Auntie Yvonne for bringing me focus. I am going to see how extra strength tylenol works on my many versions of contractions though. Patience need not be painful - right?

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